On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Shawn Thompson <superfox...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Despite the fact that Gnome-shell isn't truly "complete" yet, me and a
> friend have actually begun to create a version of it for the Apple II.
> Now, you might be thinking, why would you want to change the desktop
> of an Apple computer? Didn't they invent a lot of the GUI norms? The
> reason, is because we can. Note, it's still incomplete, but I've
> actually managed to get some of the window behaviours down correctly,
> though in a 2D monochrome way of course. Still, the recreation of such
> an advanced,highly complexicated and EASY window management system
> within the confines of such hardware is an achievement on its own!
> Of course, to prove I'm not pulling your legs, here are some
> screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/yH4Z1
> The first picture is the shell running on an emulator. You can see
> that it is able to run Apple II native apps, alongside the ability to
> search through them and other files in your storage medias (we're
> still working on it, it takes about 46 seconds from the striking of
> return for it to give results). The second screenshot, unfortunately
> taken with my friend's crappy cellphone, shows it running a calculator
> app on an actual Apple IIc computer.
> Once we figure out how to get it into a format that can actually be
> edited on a normal modern computer, we will see if we can put the
> source code up on the Gnome GIT repository. The code ''is'' rather
> fascinating to look at too. You'll love how we did it >:)

I suppose you want translation too, huh? :-)  I must admit that's quite an
interesting thing.  But good grief, Apple ][??   Crazy man...

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