i just used the way described in  "Setting up gnome-shell to run on login"
on https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell

:~$ ps aux | grep shell
phiamo     550  0.0  0.0  10560  1060 pts/0    S+   17:28   0:00 grep
--color=auto shell
phiamo   32040  0.0  0.2  75092 10268 ?        S    17:27   0:00
/usr/bin/python /opt/gnome-shell/install/bin/gnome-shell
phiamo   32047  3.8  1.3 838308 52404 ?        Sl   17:27   0:01
phiamo   32115  0.0  0.1 179884  6480 ?        Sl   17:27   0:00
  tells me i am working with the right "installation"

anyways now if i try uning xrandr i get a full crash, if the extension is
there why login i get an "oops something went wrong try again" thing and it
i cant really find a log about the crash so this might not be very helpful.

so i assume for the next days/weeks this wont be on a high prio.
So i will try playing around to get the feature i think about.

Cheers Philipp

2011/5/3 Giovanni Campagna <scampa.giova...@gmail.com>

> Il giorno mar, 03/05/2011 alle 17.10 +0200, Philipp Mohrenweiser ha
> scritto:
> > 2011/5/3 Giovanni Campagna <scampa.giova...@gmail.com>
> >         Il giorno mar, 03/05/2011 alle 11.59 +0200, Philipp
> >         Mohrenweiser ha
> >         scritto:
> >         > This shown as an error when tring to
> >         > load xrandr-indica...@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org in
> >         looking
> >         > glass.
> >         > I have also seen this when playing around with gjs but dont
> >         remember
> >         > what exactly.
> >
> >
> >         Using xrandr-indicator in 3.0.* won't work, the required patch
> >         in gjs
> >         was not merged. It will fail with a different error
> >         (Really, I should remove it from the stable branch, but
> >         probably it is
> >         too late.)
> > So xrandr-indicator wont be usable at all !?
> > Thats a pity  wanted to extend it a bit an play around.
> > Could you briefly describe why its not working anymore i would love to
> > se how it was ....
> It requires null-terminated array support from gjs (bug 634253). It has
> never really worked, just I forgot having that patch applied to gjs and
> left it in stable.
> (Also, it requires bug 643620 + a fix to ClutterX11 depending on that
> for actually applying the settings).
> >
> >         >
> >         > I am using 3.0.1 from a manual build i started last night.
> >         > Someone told me i have to enable gobject-introspection for
> >         > gnome-desktop package, but i cant find info howto do that.
> >         > If thats right could you point me on that, or else tell me
> >         what i am
> >         > doing wrong?
> >
> >
> >         If you're building from jhbuild, it should be enabled, and if
> >         not file a
> >         bug.
> >         (You can fix it manually by editing the moduleset and adding
> >         "--enable-introspection" to the autogenargs of gnome-desktop)
> >         Otherwise, file a bug at your distribution.
> >
> > Yeahr i think it is built with introspection but i am not sure if it
> > works:
> > a ./gnome-shell --replace from builddir/gnome-shell/src gives me
> > :/opt/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell$ ./src/gnome-shell --replace
> >     JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: Requiring NetworkManager,
> > version none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any
> > version) not found
> >     JS ERROR: !!!     lineNumber = '0'
> >     JS ERROR: !!!     fileName = 'gjs_throw'
> >     JS ERROR: !!!     stack = '("Requiring NetworkManager, version
> > none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any version) not
> > found")@gjs_throw:0
> > @/opt/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell/js/ui/status/network.js:8
> > '
> >     JS ERROR: !!!     message = 'Requiring NetworkManager, version
> > none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any version) not
> > found'
> >       JS LOG: NMApplet is not supported. It is possible that your
> > NetworkManager version is too old
> > Fensterverwalter-Warnung:Log level 16: Unable to register
> > authentication agent:
> > GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication
> > agent already exists for the given subject
> > Fensterverwalter-Warnung:Log level 16: Error registering polkit
> > authentication agent:
> > GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication
> > agent already exists for the given subject (polkit-error-quark 0)
> >       JS LOG: GNOME Shell started at Tue May 03 2011 17:04:54 GMT+0200
> > (CEST)
> >
> >
> >  Anyways it seems to be the started shell running (I have gnome-shell
> > installed by ppa before and i am using it so difference between ppa
> > 3.0.1 and self compiled 3.0.1 arent so clear for me :D )
> >
> You should use "jhbuild run gnome-shell --replace", not plain
> "gnome-shell --replace" (and no, you should not run it uninstalled).
> Anyway those errors are expected and cause no harm.
> Giovanni
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