On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:

> On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 03:09:38PM -0400, Jesse Hutton wrote:
> > Suspend works great for me on my laptop. On my desktop, however, my
> graphics
> > card (FireGL 5200) fan spins up to high speed on resume (as it does
> briefly
> > while booting  the system) and never slows down to normal speed. So, I
> have
> > to reboot anyway to quiet the fan down.
> Could you file a bug with your distribution regarding this?
> > Only presenting 'Suspend' seems like a bizarre UI choice, given that it
> does
> > not "just work" across all systems that Gnome Shell is targeting.
> It will only show Suspend if the system says it supports suspend. System
> should detect suspend doesn't work and not advertise the ability to
> suspend.
> IMO menu should still stay poweroff as you could just close the lid for
> suspend.. but doesn't matter for the argument: system (kernel or
> whatever) should not advertise suspend if it doesn't work

For me suspend works.. I can successfully suspend..  It's coming out of
suspend that cause a problem.  In which case, even though suspend work,
re-animation is broken.  So it needs to detect both parts.  For me I think
it's some kind of problem with my disk (SSD) and not the usual graphics

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