Am Freitag, den 13.05.2011, 06:33 -0700 schrieb Jeffery Olson:
> Interesting idea, but maybe the solution is simpler: Perhaps the
> concept of the "new, auto-created empty workspace" should extend to
> both ends of the workspace "chain" (That is: make the list of
> workspaces a dequeue.. this behavior is already in evidence as far as
> "pop a workspace when its empty" goes, since this can happy at any
> position in the workspace list (beginning, end or anywhere between)) ?
> Presentation in the Activities overview would be complicated, as
> that's yet another empty workspace to be displayed .. maybe both of
> the "empty" workspaces could have their representation in the overview
> replaced with some visual shorthand that takes of up less space?

Okay, but I fear that wouldn't help you if you want to insert a new
workspace somewhere in between of the the "chain"?

> I say this since I use a mostly keyboard-centric workflow, whereby I
> will navigate to a new workspace via ctrl+alt+down, hit the meta key
> to open the overview and then type in the name of the app I want and
> hit enter.. A solution might be complicated if you have to take a
> mouse-centric workflow into account.

I'm not necessarily asking for a mouse centric solution. Maybe it would
be possible to launch an applicatioon on a new workspace above the
current workspace whenever <Alt> is pressed while clicking the icon with
the mouse or hitting enter after typing the name (even within the Alt+F2

Right now, pressing <Ctrl> while clicking an icon already forces the
launch of another instance of an already running application, however
there doen't seem to be an equivalent for a keyboard centric workflow
form within the window overview. You can always start another instance
using <Alt><F2> when working on the keyboard though, but that has
nothing to do with the <Ctrl> toggle. 

> Martin: Your best bet to file a feature request on the gnome bugzilla.
> I'm just brainstorming here and may file a request myself based on
> what I've written above.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

I am new to the mailing list, give me some time before you direct me to
bugzilla. :)

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