Looks like single click does it too, not expected!

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 20:09, xtranophilist aaa <xtranophil...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This is an extension that adds a 'Force Quit' button to gnome panel. Double
> click this and click over a non-responding application to kill it instantly.
> The cursor changes to a 'x' after you've double clicked it and when ready to
> select the application to be killed. It is made to require fast double
> clicks instead of a single click to minimize accidental forced application
> killing.
> This extension employs 'xkill' on the backend.
> Git Repo:
> http://github.com/xtranophilist/gnome-shell-extension-force-quit/
> Installation Instructions:
> Download:
> http://github.com/xtranophilist/gnome-shell-extension-force-quit/zipball/master
> Extract it to:
> ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
> Restart Gnome
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