On 13 June 2011 18:20, Federico Mena Quintero <feder...@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 23:27 -0400, Jeff Fortin wrote:
> > I'm looking for recommendations for graphic cards that
> > - Can run GNOME Shell in a fluid manner
> > - Are PCI (not PCI express or AGP)
> > - Are dirt cheap/easy to find
> Some data points:
> I have two machines with old Radeon cards, both with the radeonhd
> driver.
> R200, straight PCI, is unusable.
> R300, laptop built-in, is somewhat usable.
> I haven't tried the radeon driver, just radeonhd - things may be
> different with it.
> Finding that R200 was hard about two years ago, and actually more
> expensive than an AGP card.  These days it may be cheaper to find a used
> machine that can do PCI/E or AGP, than to find a straight PCI video card
> that is fast enough.
> RadeonHD was never meant for that generation of cards (it only supports
R500+) and has since been obsoleted by the Radeon driver in all features.
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