On 2011-07-15 at 09:56, Allan E. Registos wrote:
> I really do not think you should expect all users to just file bugs.

I don't expect all users to file bugs. if past history is of any
significance, I don't expect more than a quarter of the users to file
any bugs.

I do expect users that find this mailing list, subscribe to it,
acknowlegde the subscribption to it, and send an email to it, to also be
able to do the same to file bugs on the *correct* venue for this - i.e.
Gnome's Bugzilla.

> I remember I have a problem with this in Evolution email with a
> 1366x768 monitor, in order to see the close button, I need to hide
> the bottom panel.

I am painfully aware of the shortcomings of Gnome applications with
regards to netbooks and their abysmal resolutions.

this, though, has nothing to do with the shell; the shell cannot modify
the applications.

this mailing list[0] is the development mailing list of gnome-shell.
it's not the list for Gnome 3, nor it's the mailing list for the control
center, evolution, nautilus or whatever other part of Gnome.

please: if you find bugs for any project in Gnome, file them in the Gnome
Bugzilla; sending random emails to random mailing list is never going to
work, because project maintainers do not follow every single mailing
list in the Gnome project[1].


[0] or, at least, it *should* be, if the signal-to-noise ratio of this
  list hadn't been shot to hell in a basket by all the people sending
  random emails about random stuff, along with pointless rants.

[1] if they did they wouldn't be able to work on the projects they

> On 7/15/2011 6:26 AM, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> >
> >what I personally don't understand is why are you complaining on
> >the shell list instead of filing bugs against the apps that have
> >windows too high to fit. how is the shell, or Gnome 3 for that
> >matter, responsible for apps behaving badly?
> >
> >ciao,
> >Emmanuele.
> >
> >>On 14 Jul 2011 20:32, "Tomas Sironi" <sironito...@gmail.com
> >><mailto:sironito...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>
> >>I've using gnome for a while now in my netbook. Its resolution
> >>is 1024x600. Those 600 pixels aren't enough for some fixed sized
> >>windows, so you have to move them using alt+click in order to
> >>see the what is in the bottom of the window. That is really
> >>uncomfortable. I know is not gnome's fault, but it should handle
> >>those windows (maybe removing the titlebar) in a way you can
> >>actually see them entirely.
> >>
> >>Regards.
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>
> >>    Tomas  Sironi
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> gnome-shell-list mailing list
> gnome-shell-list@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-shell-list

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