On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Federico Mena Quintero <feder...@gnome.org
> wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 13:54 -0400, Jasper St. Pierre wrote:
> > They're three separate actors by design, because it's *really hard* to
> > do it otherwise. I assume what you really want is a method or
> > something that will hide all three for you. I doubt you're going to
> > get that API: it doesn't really benefit us at all.
> Florian already posted a cute snippet that ties the visibility of the
> corners to the visibility of the main panel.
> We need to strike a balance between these:
> - Gnome-shell wants to have a coherent design.  Still, it needs to
> accept that not everyone's needs are equal.

It doesn't need to.

> - People want extensions to tune gnome-shell to their particular usage.
> - Extensions will find the points in the gnome-shell code where they
> would like to "plug in", but they aren't clearly defined yet.
> - Gnome-shell wants to keep evolving, and extensions to thrive, without
> breaking all the time.
> Considering all these, extension writers *will* find points where it is
> cumbersome to extend gnome-shell.  The best thing gnome-shell can do is
> to make those extension points easy and explicit; once we have them, we
> can have a clear policy for deprecation of extension points if
> gnome-shell ever needs to remove them because of other changes.  But in
> the meantime, it's better to make it easy to write extensions, than to
> shun them away because "gnome-shell doesn't need them".

Sure. Given that JS is extremely malleable *without* extension points, I'd
like to start including extension points based on what real extensions use.

> Allow the ecosystem to build itself and it will be better for both
> parts.
>  Federico

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