Hi everybody,

I have switched to using Thunderbird as a mail client. I am having matching problems using Gnome Shell 3.2.2 and Thunderbird 10 on Arch Linux.

More explicitly, I am observing the following:

a) If I launch Thunderbird from the favourites (or from Gnome Shell's application list), Gnome Shell correctly matches it and Thunderbird favourite icon in the dash "lights up". That is, the application is launched with WM "thunderbird", as seen in looking glass, which correctly matches the name of the desktop file, i.e. /usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop.

b) If I launch Thunderbird by typing thunderbird in a command line or in Alt + F2 run dialog, or by double clicking its desktop file in /usr/share/applications/, then matching breaks because the application has WM "Mozilla Thunderbird".

Situation b) is annoying because I usually auto-start the mail client by ln -s /usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop /home/user/.config/autostart/. Now, this gives me an un-matched thunderbird application with its ugly icon upon login.

I know this might simply be Mozilla's bad behaviour, or something wrong with the package. I just wanted to understand why it works when I launch Thunderbird from the dash, before I ask Mozilla or Arch devs how to fix this! Thanks a lot for any hint.

I am enclosing the desktop file it ir might help.

Attachment: thunderbird.desktop
Description: application/desktop

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