I miss being able to use the mouse-wheel on a window title to control its shade state; would it be possible to implement this via an extension? Where ought I to look?

I'd need to be able to catch mouse buttons 4&5, and also know that they were occurring over the title bar.

I'm also currently using xbindkeys to map a thumb button on my mouse to trigger overview mode, so if I'm in an extension mapping mouse buttons, that would be useful to include as well (to save a very minor lag).

Is there somewhere in particular I should be looking for what sort of things I could do in an extension? So far I've been scrabbling around in existing extensions, the GIR XML binding specs., and occasionally gnome-shell's source itself, but it's not optimal.

Everyone one else on the list (hello Amy!) seems to be able to perform small amounts of magic ...

[phoenix@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[phoenix@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[phoenix@fnx ~]# exit
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