Tweaking ubuntu interface just a little bit I did a little research and came to an conclusion that ubuntu like every thing else needs to be improved and perfected
Research was done in a small office (with the personnel of 16) only one had experience with linux, every one agreed that ubuntu looks impressive, but after some time they all agreed that there are some minor tweaks that needs to be changed. Here is research results and the consensus that reached: 1) Hard to rate music I asked them to rate music, the average time was 16.3 seconds with banshee running when it was off the time ruffly rose by 10 seconds, they all agreed that it is to hard and keeps the users from enjoying the music so what i propose: ,,adding rating bar in ubuntu panel and you can even add music search bar” example or 2) Not able to jump strata to the app or document you are working on example : or Here you can see there are two documents opened, but you can not chose the second document directly instead you get this animation and this screen or This is not bad but when you are doing work and time is money, you want to do your work fast so i recommend adding thumbnails like windows 7 does, it will be more practical and faster to jump in for windows users example or 3) super W keys add more functions This is the best way to select running apps in ubuntu but I think it lacks functionality i think it should have ability to Colas running apps it will help users organize there running apps better example or 4) Themas, hard to get themes When we are talking about average user they will have ruff time getting new themas in ubuntu so i recommend adding more themas in customize appearance Thank you for your time, and thanks everyone who participated in this project -- This message was sent from Launchpad by Levan Chelidze ( to each member of the Ayatana Discussion team using the "Contact this team" link on the Ayatana Discussion team page ( For more information see _______________________________________________ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : More help :