Hola a tothom,

*Don't support*, es tradueix per *no és compatible o no admet *? quin és més habitual?

The Eraser is used to remove areas of color from the current layer or from a selection of this layer. If the Eraser is used on something that *does not support transparency *(a selection mask channel, a layer mask, or the Background layer if it lacks an alpha channel), then erasing will show the background color, as displayed in the Color Area of the Toolbox (in case of a mask, the selection will be modified).

No sé com traduir The *amount* of Rate, si el rate es refereix a la velocitat se'm fa molt estrany traduir-ho com a "quantitat" de velocitat. Potser seria alguna paraula com *nivell* però tampoc em convenç

The actions of these tools are more or less quick.*The amount of Rate* depends on the setting of the Rate slider in the Tool Options dialog.

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