Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     PalmOS is als well known and also has a lot more users than Emacs. But
>     there you say it is unethical to use it and support should be
>     dropped.
> Right.  The reason I reached different conclusions about these two cases
> is that I think there is a tendency, even among free software supporters,
> not to recognize that the issue applies to palmtop computers.

So it is more to 'learn them a lesson' ?

>     Maybe you have some secret agenda but these ad-hoc opinions
>     and suggestions to package writers are rather weird to read. They are
>     amusing though :-)
> Are you trying to campaign for freedom more effectively,
> or are you looking for an excuse to ridicule the idea of freedom?

No I'm just confused because you are sending out mixed signals.

If it is ok to support Real Player then it must also be ok to support
Emacs integration packages to other proprietary software. Like Visual
C++ or Adobe Photoshop, Right?

If it is not ok to support PalmOS because it is proprietary then why
does Emacs even compile and run on Windows, OS X or many of the other
closed source operating systems.


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