Version 1.2.0 of package Denote has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Denote describes itself as:

  Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme

More at

## Summary:

                             FILE-NAMING SCHEME

                            Protesilaos Stavrou

  This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customization
  options for the Emacs package called `denote' (or `denote.el'), and
  provides every other piece of information pertinent to it.

  The documentation furnished herein corresponds to stable version 1.2.0,
  released on 2022-12-16.  Any reference to a newer feature which does not
  yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as such.

  Current development target is 1.3.0-dev.

## Recent NEWS:

                          CHANGE LOG OF DENOTE

This document contains the release notes for each tagged commit on the
project's main git repository: <>.

The newest release is at the top.  For further details, please consult
the manual: <>.

Version 1.2.0 on 2022-12-12

Denote now requires Emacs version 28.1 or higher

  With the help of Noboru Ota (nobiot), we realised that Denote was
  broken on Emacs 27 for quite a while.  The fact that we received no
  feedback about it suggests that this change is the best course of
  action going forward.  Discussion:

  Emacs 27 lacks certain Xref facilities that we need for the
  backlinking facility.  It was holding us back for no good reason,
  while also adding to the maintenance burden.

  If you are using Denote on Emacs 27 and things are working for you,
  there is no need to update the package.  Do it when you also upgrade
  Emacs to a newer version.

Display context in backlinks' buffer

  By default, the generic backlinks' buffer, which can be displayed with
  the command `denote-link-backlinks' (alias
  `denote-link-show-backlinks-buffer'), only shows the file names of the
  linked notes.

  We have made it possible to produce a more informative view by showing
  the context of the link and also listing all links per file.  This is
  done by setting the user option `denote-backlinks-show-context' to a
  non-nil value.

  To illustrate the difference, this is the default backlinks' buffer:

  │ Backlinks to "On being honest" (20220614T130812)
  │ ------------------------------------------------
  │ 20220614T145606--let-this-glance-become-a-stare__journal.txt
  │ 20220616T182958--feeling-butterflies-in-your-stomach__journal.txt

  And this is the one with `denote-backlinks-show-context' enabled:

  │ Backlinks to "On being honest" (20220614T130812)
  │ ------------------------------------------------
  │ 20220614T145606--let-this-glance-become-a-stare__journal.txt
  │ 37: growing into it: [[denote:20220614T130812][On being honest]].
  │ 64: As I said in [[denote:20220614T130812][On being honest]] I have never
  │ 20220616T182958--feeling-butterflies-in-your-stomach__journal.txt
  │ 62: indifference.  In [[denote:20220614T130812][On being honest]] I alluded

  Granted, here we show plain text though in Emacs the results have the
  appropriate colours of the active theme and are easier to read.

  Thanks to Noboru Ota (nobiot) for implementing this feature.  We
  discussed it at length on the mailing list:

  Noboru has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation.

Dynamic Org blocks for lists of Denote links

  Denote now includes the `denote-org-dblock' library.  Activate it

  │ ;; Register Denote's Org dynamic blocks
  │ (require 'denote-org-dblock)

  A dynamic block gets its contents by evaluating a given function,
  depending on the type of block.  The type of block and its parameters
  are stated in the opening `#+BEGIN' line of the block.  Typing `C-c
  C-c' with point on that line runs the function, with the given
  arguments, and populates the block's contents accordingly.

  What Denote has is ways to write blocks that produce a list of links
  matching a given regular expression while conforming with some other
  parameters.  The manual explains how to use this powerful feature
  (which is necessarily specific to the Org file type):
  …  …

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