Version 1.0.6 of package Mastodon has just been released in NonGNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Mastodon describes itself as:

  Client for fediverse services using the Mastodon API

More at

## Summary:


    `mastodon.el' is an Emacs client for the AcitivityPub social networks
    that implement the Mastodon API. For info see [].

  [] <>

  1.1 Installation

    You can install `mastodon.el' from ELPA, MELPA, or directly from this
    repo. It is also available as a GUIX package.

  1.1.1 ELPA

    You should be able to directly install with:

    `M-x package-refresh-contents RET'

    `M-x package-install RET mastodon RET'

  1.1.2 MELPA

    Add `MELPA' to your archives:

    │ (require 'package)
    │ (add-to-list 'package-archives
    │        '("melpa" . "";) t)

    Update and install:

    `M-x package-refresh-contents RET'

## Recent NEWS:

[Not available 🙁]

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