Version 0.7.3 of package Transient has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Transient describes itself as:

  Transient commands

More at

## Summary:

  1 Transient command menus

    Transient is the library used to implement the keyboard-driven “menus”
    in [Magit].  It is distributed as a separate package, so that it can
    be used to implement similar menus in [other packages].

  [Magit] <>

  [other packages] <>

  1.1 Some things that Transient can do

    • Display current state of arguments
    • Display and manage lifecycle of modal bindings
    • Contextual user interface
    • Flow control for wizard-like composition of interactive forms
    • History & persistence
    • Rendering arguments for controlling CLI programs

  1.2 Complexity in CLI programs

## Recent NEWS:

# -*- mode: org -*-
* v0.7.3    2024-07-13

- Refactored code responsible for inserting columns.

Bug fix:

- The ~transient-current-*~ variables are intended to only be used by
  suffix commands, when they are invoked from a prefix.  Previously
  they were only cleared when the prefix is ultimately exited, which
  meant that they unintentionally were accessible in timers.  Now the
  values of these variables are nil when used outside their intended
  scope.  0e0ece32, f2cb28a5

* v0.7.2    2024-06-24

- Added support for adding suffixes that activate value presets.  #183

Bug fix:

- Restored the ability to individually set infix arguments if the
  prefix's ~refresh-suffixes~ slot is non-nil.  8db5f0fd

* v0.7.1    2024-06-19

- Added a workaround for ~emoji.el~ from Emacs 29.1 calling an internal
  function using an outdated number of arguments.  #288

* v0.7.0    2024-06-18

- Added new macro ~transient-augment-suffix~, which can be used to
  specify the suffix behavior of a command that was previously defined
  as a prefix, using ~transient-define-prefix~.  2fd3ea14

- Added new function ~transient-scope~, which is just a convenient way
  to get the value of the ~scope~ slot of the ~transient-prefix-object~.

- Added new hook ~transient-setup-buffer-hook~, which is run early when
  setting the transient menu buffer.  #283

- Added new class ~transient-information*~, a variant of recently added
  ~transient-information~ class.  8a80e952

- By default our macros that define commands, mark those as for
  interactive use only.  ~(declare (interactive-only nil))~ can now be
  used to overwrite that.  fcc60e27

- Groups now also accept ~:inapt*~ predicates.  3d395d64

- Spaces between columns is reduced from three to two.  dd93001e

- Removed unused ~transient-plist-to-alist~ function.  1251faf0

Bug fixes:

- ~transient--force-fixed-pitch~ was run to late to always succeed.  #283

- Key binding conflict detection was too strict, taking hypothetical
  bindings for inapt commands into account.  c356d1bc

- Key binding conflict detection did not consider bindings in regular
  keymaps, such as ~transient-base-map~.  2698d62d

- ~func-arity~ gets confused when a function is advised, so we had to
  add a wrapper function ~transient--func-arity~.  91dd7bb3

- Some mistakes, that can be expected to occur when defining suffix and
  prefix commands, were not detected.  7e827c31

* v0.6.0    2024-03-21

- On Emacs 28.1 and later, all infix commands and suffix commands
  that are defined inline (i.e., using a lambda when defining a prefix
  command), are now hidden from ~execute-extended-command~ (aka ~M-x~) /by
  default/.  It was already possible to hide these commands, but users
  had to opt-in explicitly.  After refactoring how these commands are
  declared to be unsuitable for ~M-x~, it is now possible to hide them
  /without/ also hiding other, unrelated kinds of unsuitable commands.

  I recommend that you instruct ~M-x~ to hide /all/ unsuitable command.
  This requires that you customizing ~read-extended-command-predicate~,
  because the Emacs authors have decided that this should be an opt-in

  Note that this has no effect on Emacs releases before 28.1.

- Added documentation stating that ~:class~ has to be specified when
  using ~:setup-children~.  beecdc85

- Added a new prefix slot ~column-widths~, which can be used to specify
  the minimal width of each column in all ~transient-columns~ groups of
  that prefix.  92e8952e

- When assigning a name to a suffix that is defined inline, we no
  longer use the suffix description, iff that would result in an
  overly long name.  81a108ba

- Functions used as the value of face slots can now take one
  argument, the suffix object.  Functions that take zero arguments
  are still supported.  Additionally, ~transient--pending-suffix~ is
  bound around calls to these functions, but it is better to pass
  the object as an argument.  f582a9bc

- The new ~definition~ suffix slot can be used to specify a default

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