>> The Free System Distribution Guidelines are an integral and important
>> part of the GNU philosophy, although only recently were they put into a
>> single document.
>> So I expect no less than compliance with these guidelines, from any
>> project recommended by the GNU project, and from anyone who shares the
>> GNU philosophy.

these guides have a lot of problems, need to be changed

also, from these guides nothing suggest to no distribute free drives

>> I expect no less from the UTUTO project, the very first to undertake
>> these efforts.  It's a big surprise and disappointment to me that we're
>> still having this conversation :-(
> Done for me.
> Regards for all!
> I need work, pay bills, mantain my family.
> Good luck!
> Please remove me from this list!
> happy hacking!!
> --
> Daniel Olivera (mate.cosido, aun fuera de la ley)
> Director Proyecto UTUTO (Argentina)
> Miembro Free Software Foundation (6839)(Estados Unidos)
> "Soy y seré comunista hasta el último dia de mi vida"
> "La vida no vale nada si no es para perecer porque otros puedan tener,
> lo que uno disfruta ya" Pablo Milanes.
> Correo Electrónico  : dan...@ututo.org - ut...@members.fsf.org
> Argentina - Teléfono: +54  11 5353-9494 Extension: 2943434
> España    - Teléfono: +34 957 780744          Fax: +34 957 780645
> Sistemas VoIP       : ututo01 (Skype/Ekiga)
> Mensajeros          : Jabber: dan...@ututo.org
>                         ICQ: 8368437
> Blog                : www.ututo.org/daniel

Diego Saravia
NO FUNCIONA->d...@unsa.edu.ar

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