On Aug 21, 2009, Daniel Olivera <dan...@ututo.org> wrote:

> Yavor Doganov escribió:
>> So, if someone writes a fancy script whose whole purpose is to
>> download many popular non-free packages (Opera, Adobe's PDF reader,
>> etc.) and install them, and he releases it under a free license such
>> as GPL, it would be acceptable for inclusion in Ututo?

> No.
> Script is ok better if is gpl

[en; es below]

Err...  Your answer seems contradictory, I sense some language barrier,
so I'll try my broken Spanish (below) to clarify.

You appear to say that a Free script, licensed under the GPL, that
downloads and installs a non-Free program, is not acceptable for
inclusion in UTUTO (“No.”), but that the script would be “ok, better if
it was GPL”, which it already is.

Let me rephrase the question: would a Free script like the one below,
whose sole purpose is to download and install and/or run a specific
non-Free program, from a site explicitly mentioned in the script, be
acceptable in UTUTO XS?  Why?


Err...  Tu respuesta me parece contradictoria, siento que hay
dificultades con los idiomas, entonces voy a intentar usar mi español
limitado para clarificar.

Me parece que dices que un script Libre, licenciado bajo la GPL, que
baja y instala un programa no-Libre, no es aceptable para inclusión en
UTUTO (“No.”), pero que el script sería “ok, mejor si fuera GPL”, lo que
ya es.

Me permita hacer la pregunta con otras palabras: ¿un script Libre como
lo que está abajo, cuya única finalidad es bajar y instalar y/o ejecutar
un programa específico, no-Libre, desde un sitio explícitamente
mencionado en el script, sería aceptable en UTUTO XS?  ¿Por qué?

#! /bin/sh -e
# Copyright 2009 Evil Corp
# This script is licensed under the GNU GPL.
# Este script está licenciado bajo la GNU GPL.
# [... FSF ... 51 Franklin St ... http://gnu.org ...]
URL=http://www.evil.com/sekrit; export URL
wget -q -O - $URL/EULA | more
case $LANG in)
  echo Si has leído la EULA y aceptas sus restricciones, presione ENTER
  echo Si no los aceptas, presione "^C" ahora
  echo If you read the EULA and accept its restrictions, press ENTER
  echo If you do not accept them, press "^C" now
read accept
DIR=/opt/evilcorp/sekrit; export DIR
mkdir -p $DIR
echo $accept >> $DIR/.license
wget -q -O - $URL/install.sh | sh
exec $DIR/bin/sekrit

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- http://FSFLA.org/   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist      Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

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