Il giorno mer, 23/03/2011 alle 09.42 -0500, Quiliro Ordóñez ha scritto:
> Thank you very much people.
> I now have a clearer panorama. Can conclude (as of the info provided) 
> that Debian and Ubuntu introduce a lot of files/licencing changes in 
> Chromium that are not on the source of Chromium?
I don't think debian/ubuntu introduce anything.
the changelog posted by Rubén try to enumerate every licence/copyright
notice found in the source, but most are marked as 'unknown' because
they haven't (this not mean those files are not free by dafault, but
probably needs to be checked out).

For example, two files marked as unknown:


 * Header file of Pure API function declarations.
* (C) Copyright IBM Corporation. 2006, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
   *   You may recompile and redistribute these definitions as required.
 * Version 1.0


 * Header file of Pure API function declarations.
 * Explicitly no copyright.
 * You may recompile and redistribute these definitions as required.

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