Sam Geeraerts said:
> Note that some packages may contain non-free files (e.g. [a]),
> regardless of the license of the whole. There are also freedom issues
> that are unrelated to the license of the code, e.g. encouraging the use
> of non-free software [b]. I see that your packaging guidelines mention
> these issues, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

My understanding is that package source code is obtained directly from
the developers, whether that's or Sourceforge or whatever.
In the cases Sam mentions it seems that there will need to be a way to
host modified versions of such problematic programs somewhere with the
necessary changes already made. In this way people that use the Guix
package manager to compile & install from source don't end up
downloading the problematic source code. could even use
that location to build those program from if needed.

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