"Riley Baird (Orthogonal)" <orthogo...@librewrt.org> writes:

> On 05/08/14 12:10, Felipe Sanches wrote:
>> Is there something similar to http://choosealicense.com/ but with language
>> better aligned to the mission of the free software movement ?
> I don't know, but personally, I think that a fork over something like
> this would be a bad idea. We don't fork every program that uses the word
> "Linux" instead of "GNU/Linux" to refer to the operating system in its
> documentation, for example. If you're concerned about it, perhaps you
> could write to the maintainer and ask them to use neutral terms (e.g.
> "FLOSS" instead of "OSS" on their main page).

Well, there are a lot of other problems with the license chooser in
addition to that. It is pretty anti-copyleft. We submitted a patch to
fix the factual description of the GPL and it was rejected.

For example, the choice to present the GPL's protections as
restrictions/requirements is a loaded one.


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