Riley Baird <> wrote ..
> So, it is with great excitement that I announce today LibertyBSD.

I wonder if there is an advantage to work with the people of NuBSD [0]
instead of starting another free BSD?

> LibertyBSD is a fork of OpenBSD that contains only free software.

I've not been able to examine LibrertyBSD, mostly due to the last item
I mention, but from the website I do have a concern. The FAQ mentions:

> Does the ports tree work with LibertyBSD?
> Most likely yes, but it has not been tested. However, usage is
> discouraged for the following reasons:
> * Programs in the ports tree have not undergone a security audit by
> OpenBSD's developers. By using the ports tree, you may very well be
> undermining the security of your own system.
> * The ports tree contains Makefiles for some non-free programs, and
> these are not labelled as such. If this concerns you, you'll need to
> do some research on the program that you're building first.
> Do you have plans to make a ports tree with only free software?
> Depending on how this fundraiser goes, I might be interested in
> starting a fundraiser for a free ports tree later on. (I don't have
> the time or the skills to do a security audit of the ports, though,
> so that problem would still remain.)

Until/unless an FSDG ports tree exists, I suspect that this means 
that LibertyBSD would need to not have a ports tree at all in order 
be compliant with the GNU FSDG. ("The system should have no 
repositories for nonfree software and no specific recipes for 
installation of particular nonfree programs.")


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