On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 06:47:04PM -0300, Felipe Sanches wrote:
> "Please provide clear list of that, as that can help certainly.
> It is good to remember that "free firmware" cannot be free software,
> as there is no corresponding source code for that. It is firmware."
> This sounds pretty much non-sense to me. Maybe we have incompatible
> definitions of what "firmware" means. So, to make my point clear, by
> "firmware" I mean bare-metal software. That is... very low level
> software that runs on the CPUs or microcontrollers of an electronics
> board. And yes firmware can be free software. Libreboot is one famous
> example of free firmware (in particular, bootcode).

Good! So, libreboot has the corresponding source code, right?

Firmware or blobs are removed from mainstream Linux kernel exactly for
that reason that there is no source code or/and there is no free software

When I say "free" I mean by 4 software freedoms. Binary or blob or
firmware is not free without the corresponding source code. That is what
I meant with it: there are no "free firmware" or "free ROMs", as if
someone says in that manner, I would assume he gives me final product or
binary, which cannot be free software without the source code.

Jean Louis

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