On 04/03/16 18:37, Felipe Sanches wrote:
> I've been concerned for a while about this as well.
> Any idea if anyone has ever tried dealing with this problem already?
> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Ali Abdul Ghani <blade.vp2...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Most of us use Package manager to install Programs
>> in fully free gnu/linux distributions all the repositorys is free software
>> But wait
>> this seme not tru
>> A lot of programming languages have own Package Manager
>> Examples of those packages managers: npm (CSS/JavaScript), Bower
>> (Web), pip (Python), Ruby Gems (Ruby),
>> CPAN (Perl), Cargo (Rust), ...
>> These packages rely on special Repositorys
>> Nearly all of those Repositorys accept non-free licenses. At least,
>> most of those Repositorys show the license of the program, but it
>> doesn't
>> even warn you when installing a non-free package.
>> and The big problem is python and Perl is part from
>> fully free gnu/linux distributions
>> I think this mene the distributions is not fully free gnu/linux distributions
>> There are 2 solutions came in my head
>> 1- remove this Package Manager from this programming languages from
>> free gnu/linux distributions
>> in fact If we're removing those package managers, it's going to make
>> installing some software much harder.
>> 2. Create a separate repository. In this case, we hnede  manpower to
>> mirror all the free packages and remove only the non-free ones, else
>> we will
>> land in a situation similar to 1. we will also need a pretty Web
>> interface in order to attract users.
>> have fun and be free
>> ali miracle
>> --
>> Emacs is the ground. We run around and act silly on top of it, and
>> when we die, may our remnants grace its ongoing incrementation.
I'm confused about why this is necessary. Why not check the license of a
package before installing it? A programmer should be able to do this.

Tell me if I am wrong?

If you feel like that's a good use of your time, go for it...

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