>> *  Your distro should not have users select official Debian GNU/Linux
>> repos. These repos have contrib and nonfree areas and many Debian
>> packages make it trivial easy to select the contrib and nonfree areas.
>> Users don't need to be prevented from manually adding repos, but your
>> distro shouldn't steer users toward Debian GNU/Linux repos, since Debian
>> GNU/Linux itself does not meet the GFDG.
> We don't, our repos are:
> deb http://repo.pureos.net/pureos_meta stretch main
> deb http://repo.pureos.net/pureosrepo pureos main
> deb http://repo.pureos.net/puresecurity stretch/updates main
> And we only have main in sync so adding contrib and non-free is not
> possible.

This is what /etc/apt/sources.list contains in the PureOS I installed
from the ISO listed on Purism's page on PureOS:

deb http://security.debian.org/ stretch/updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ stretch/updates main

There are no additional sources found in sources.list or sources.list.d.
The only other sources to be found are commented out, and they refer to
the Debian Stretch live CD.

> Yes, people can go to https://github.com/purism/ and fill bugs.

I don't see any mention of this on the website. It is also unclear which
repository is appropriate for such bug reports.

Other problems I have found:

The website does not include any policy I can find on what software can
be included in PureOS's repository.

If you type "man sources.list", you will find an example of a deb line
which includes Debian's contrib and non-free repositories.

Tor Browser is included. Tor Browser is libre, but it features an update
facility which is not controlled by the developers of PureOS (they are
delivered by the developers of Tor).

Julie Marchant

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