I am proudly announcing ConnochaetOS 14.2, based on Slackware and Salix 14.2. 
As always it contains only free/libre software as defined by the Free Software 
Foundation (FSF). We are now using our own deblobbed Linux kernel, named 
"kernel-free" based on the de-blobbing mechanism done by Debian GNU/Linux.

ConnochaetOS is a fully free/libre GNU/Linux distro for x86 computers with 
limited resources, based on Slackware and Salix OS. “Fully free” means, that 
ConnochaetOS does only contain free software and no proprietary, non-free 
software, blobs or firmware. Non-free parts of the upstream distros were 
removed and - where possible - replaced by free counterparts. ConnochaetOS 
retains full backwards compatibility with Slackware and Salix OS.

You can get ConnochaetOS at https://connochaetos.org

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