On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 10:05:05PM +1100, Riley Baird wrote:
> Jean Louis, these points aren't really relevant - we're considering
> whether the OS is free, not the hardware.

May I be more precise, the purpose of discussion is to see of the Free
System Distribution fits into the Free System Distribution Guidelines
(GNU FSDG) -- and not just whether the OS is free or its packages.

The distribution is a small group, they deliver information on their
website, it is not just a review of the software itself, but what the
group is doing, what developers are doing and how, are they committed,
do they teach users 

We all know that Debian GNU/Linux is free operating system, and we
also know why that free operating system does not fit the Free System
Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG) - at least I assume that people on
this mailing list know that.

So, if we review the main link to PureOS: https://puri.sm/pureos/ -
"Our products come pre-loaded with PureOS—our derivative of Debian
GNU/Linux main, with added emphasis on privacy protection, where we
have preinstalled the best privacy-protecting software applications
and allow you to easily encrypt your hard drive."

The first paragraph is saying about products, not about OS, as
distinct from products, notebooks, so the PureOS is delivered primarly
on the products. While it can be downloaded, the link there is
steering towards delivery of software as preinstalled on the notebook.

Notebook is delivered with non-free blobs. Users are steered, from
main link, to use the laptops with non-free blobs.

It should be an incentive for improvement.

Jean Louis
Geita, Tanzania

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