On 09.11.2016 18:42, Zlatan Todoric wrote:
> On 11/09/2016 05:24 PM, Tiberiu-Cezar Tehnoetic wrote:
>> What browser the PureBrowser is based on? What add-on repository does it
>> use?
> It is based on Firefox ESR and it will have two xul extension from
> archive (https and ublock). We discovered bug (non-responsive tabs) so
> we temporarily removed it from alpha 2 image but we put in firefox-esr
> with those two extensions. It will come back with final release (where
> we also hope to iron out all the bugs you find and report - again
> https://tracker.puri.sm/maniphest/ for reporting bugs).
> In future we plan to diverge a bit more from Firefox regarding defaults
> (or they maybe choose to have same defaults so we abandon the
> re-branding and avoid their trademark issues (not that it will happen,
> but just for our sake)).

Please note that the Firefox official repository includes many nonfree
extensions. PureOS can't comply with the GNU FSDG if it's using Firefox
default repository. FSF and GNU IceCat maintain a list of free
extensions for Firefox-based browsers.


In my opinion, PureOS should use GNU IceCat instead of Firefox and
support (with developers and donations) its development.

Moreover, last time I checked Firefox was by default DRM-enabled (by
using a nonfree add-on), and that is not acceptable.

It would be great if Purism could join the existing efforts instead of
only focusing on rebranding (sometimes without even crediting the
projects you are using) and marketing.



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