I am sure that xombrero, uzbl and surf, may replace IceCat, even as a
main browser in some system distributions:

1) surf, with option -s the javascript is disabled. or Ctrl-Shift-s
the script execution is toggled - so very easy, uses Webkit I guess.

2) xombrero - it has javascript whitelists, and it can be toggled by
C-j. It has been well thought in regards to javascript.

3) uzbl -- javascript may be disabled or enabled by using commands,
keys, and certainly also on command line. It is totally configurable,
and usable.

Those are faster than IceCat on some pages.

I guess, not sure, they all use Webkit which is installed, so browsers
are just few megabytes in comparison to IceCat which is I guess over
100 mb, when I compiled it, while the binary compiled on GNU website
is about 91M


On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 11:21:21AM -0800, Ivan Zaigralin wrote:
> For all the criticism I leveled against Icecat in the last year, I am in fact 
> using it as my primary browser, and we include it in FreeSlack as the Firefox 
> replacement. It is not perfect, but is certainly is a viable solution, for 
> users as well as for distro maintainers.
> Nice to hear others are coming along... I really want to start experimenting 
> with providing light-weight, and especially javascript-free options.
> On Wednesday, November 09, 2016 20:26:02 Jean Louis wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 10:01:51AM -0800, Ivan Zaigralin wrote:
> > > you distribute a browser which suggests non-free addons, period. I am well
> > > known around here for criticizing Icecat, so I am not saying that's
> > > what you
> > 
> > Straying from subject:
> > 
> > - IceCat is great for some usage, but bloated, I have switched to
> >   surf, xombrero, uzbl, they are also way easier to compile:
> > 
> >   Xombrero shall be on OpenBSD, don't know quite:
> >   https://github.com/conformal/xombrero
> > 
> >   http://uzbl.org - excellent pipe, socket, controllable browser
> > 
> >   surf from http://suckless.org
> > 
> > And those could be included in free system distributions.

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