Am Sat, 5 Aug 2017 18:00:20 -0500
schrieb "J.B. Nicholson" <>:

> - there could be resource limitations involved here too: I see on 
> that ConnochaetOS "is available for
> x86 (32 bit) only" and directs users looking for an x86_64 libre
> Slackware GNU/Linux distro elsewhere.

I don't think, that this is a problem. Of course you can run
ConnochaetOS on any x86_64 machine, The link to the freeslack project
shouldn't be a problem either, since the page at also links to the
very same project.

> By the same token we don't know exactly what you sent to them or when
> you sent feedback to them. Would you forward a copy of your feedback
> to them to this mailing list?

Since this was 7 years ago some of the mail communication may be lost.
However, there is an old thread oin this mailing list:



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