bill-auger <> wrote ..

> chromium is however not one of those items - and i quote:
>   Recommended Fix:
>     Remove program/package
>     Use GNU IceCat, or equivalent

Yes, although it's presence there is based on a report from 2009 that
upstream has said (on more than one occasion as I recall) has been
addressed. And so, that recommended fix may indeed not be applicable
anymore. There is some evidence that suggests it's outdated (i.e.,
Debian has added Chromium into Main without the -dfsg string in the
package version number which suggests that they didn't need to make
any changes to Chromium to fit with their criteria. While the DFSG and
the FSF's own criteria are not identical this is nevertheless a good
sign.) So I'd not hold distros to removing a package that is possibly
based on outdated information, at least until someone can review it
and make a determination. I've mentioned before that this whole thing
that we're doing isn't supposed to be some blind, automated, rote process.

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