On Sat, 2018-04-28 at 05:00 +0000, André Silva wrote:
> I've sent an application to <webmast...@gnu.org> around September
> 2017
> and it was ticketed as "gnu.org #1239092" and responded by Jason
> Self. [0]
> Should i send a new request to webmasters email or continue from
> "gnu.org #1239092" application?
> [0]:https://lists.hyperbola.info/pipermail/dev/2017-September/000035.
> html

yea - i would just do that - that may be the fastest way to kick things
into gear - send them another request and include that ticket number -
as the procedure says, this initial phase should be very brief - all
they really need to do is verify that the distro exists and that you
are an authorized representative of the project - i would expect that
would take no more than a few days in any case - but this case is about
the easiest they would ever see - some people on this list have already
used hyperbola - along with the fact that your email address end in
@hyperbola - there should be very little for GNU to do in this case,
other than turn around and give the official "go ahead"

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