On Wed, 2019-02-20 at 19:37 -0500, Luke wrote:
> Additionally, the patches are expected to be ran against specific
> Chromium releases. Future releases of Chromium are not
> patched/audited
> yet by the ungoogled-chromium project and may leak to Google.
> See: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/releases
> The Guix package is building against Chromium 72.0.3626.109 whereas
> the latest release of Ungoogled-Chromium as of this moment is for
> 72.0.3626.96-1.

Ah I had missed this. Thank you for catching that. 

If Guix is going to use ungoogled-chromium not only as a way to remove
privacy problems but also to fix freedom problems (although it's not
clear to me that ungoogled-chromium actually solves all of the freedom
problems in the first place; an audit will need to be done) then they
will need to be limited to whatever releases ungoogled-chromium
provides, and updated only in lockstep with each other lest other
unknown freedom problems creep in due to not having been
reviewed/audited by the people behind ungoogled-chromium.

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