On Sat, 28 Jan 2023 02:01:56 -0500 bill-auger wrote:
> around that same time
> IMHO, whether or not it is libre, it is junk -

sry, i hit "send" too soon - this audacious claim was left

around that same time ... (when dotnet first graced our
doorsteps), RMS was asking people to audit it - i tried to build
it from source, unsuccessfully - thats why BR #1794 was never
closed - most likely, it should be removed from parabola; because
parabola promises to build everything from source in a clean

it is important to note, that there are some significant
differences between the FSD and FSDG criteria

some privacy concerns (aka: anti-features) are a criteria for
the FSDG; but AFAIK those are not a criteria for the FSD - the
FSD often presents "anti-feature" warnings for such software; but
the FSDG prohibits software with anti-features

im not sure whether failing to compiling from source is a
criteria for either the the FSD or FSDG, unless that is
fundamentally impossible (eg: some sources are not available) -
that is the factor which has yet to be determined for dotnet

lastly, note that nothing in this or my previous message,
relates to licensing - i also suspect that many components of
dotnet will carry odious EULA's like 'referenceassemblies'

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