According to the links, it seems that MAME is free. The code is GPLv2.
MAME is trademarked so you would have to rename it and replace branding
to exercise all of the freedoms, but there is no non-commercial clause
on the code as far as I see at a glance.
Michael McMahon | Web Developer, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 4337 2794 C8AD D5CA 8FCF FA6C D037 59DA B600 E3C0
On 8/6/23 21:22, Yuchen Pei wrote:
On Mon 2023-08-07 00:46:11 +0000, Esteban Ordóñez wrote:
El 2023-08-06 08:41, Yuchen Pei escribió:
Sorry for toing to a tangent, but I just noticed MAME is recorded to be
nonfree, which seems to be outdated.
Where is it recorded as nonfree?
However, being free itself just puts MAME in the same category as
scummvm and does not make it easy to update "Recommended Fix"...
Timezone: UTC+10
PGP Key: 47F9 D050 1E11 8879 9040 4941 2126 7E93 EF86 DFD0