> Are you saying that
> only nonfree distros include Java programs
> and they do so by treating them as nonfree software
even if in fact they are free?
in free distro wee have
- Arduino Studio
- netbeans

- LibreOffice ( yes its have sum java code)

على 2/9/2024 ‫7:58 PM، كتب Richard Stallman:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

   > > "Not build from source" is crucially ambiguous.  If it means "We can't
   > > build it from source", that would imply it is not free software.  I
   > > get the impression you mean something other than that, but what
   > > exactly does it mean?
   > In practice it means that the distributions package the binary, so we
   > don't know how easy it is to build from source. And when they do that
   > they often forget to also package the source code.

Are you saying that
only nonfree distros include Java programs
and they do so by treating them as nonfree software
even if in fact they are free?

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