Barry Margolin wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Barry Margolin wrote:
> > [...]
> > > But that's not really a good analogy.  Combining two programs is not
> > > just making references, you actually merge parts of one program into a
> > > copy of the other.
> >
> > What do you mean by "merge". They remain as two separate computer
> > programs (or parts thereof, if you like) under copyright law. No
> > protected expression was transformed/modified forming a derivative
> > work. Combined executable is just an aggregation of many computer
> > program works under copyright law. If you insist I can supply you
> > with maps that will allow you to extract all those distinct
> > components.
> Who said "combined executable"? 

I said.
>                                 I'm talking about copying parts of the
> source code of program A into a copy of program B, to create a new
> program C.  

You're talking nonsense. Or, if you like, you're talking marketing.

Go read IBM's GLOSSARY, for example.

    Application program
        A collection of one or more programs cooperating to achieve
        particular objectives, such as inventory control or payroll. 

> An analogy in traditional media would be a collage, I think.

Oh yeah, still can't forget those former sins of yours in grade 

Relax, Barry. Relax.

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