On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 12:54:28 +0100, Alfred M. Szmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    > Are you really disputing the fact that one can combine non-free
>    > work with a GPLed program?
>    Yes.  
> Then you really ought to read the GPL.  Specially the clauses about
> not being able to put restrictions on a user, i.e. making the software
> non-free.

What user?  I am the only one who uses this computer?  I'm not putting
any restrictions on anyone.  Are you suggesting that you are free to 
drop by and help yourself to GPL software on my computer?

>    Is software on my home system that I never distribute proprietary?
> How should I know what license your software at home is licensed
> under?  

Are you deliberately being obtuse?  

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