"Alfred M\. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    A company employee is not free to do whatever he wants with company
>    property (such as a software CD) that he needs for doing his job.
>    He is not the rightful owner.
>    If you are an employee of mine and get access to software in my
>    possession for the purpose of job, you are not permitted to make
>    copies for your private use.
> If the license explicitly states so, yes.

Wrong.  You are not the licensee.  The licensee is the company.  The
license is completely irrelevant for you.

> This is where our opinions differ I think.

You just don't understand "internal use".  That's all.

>    A tangible copy _is_ property, and getting company-internal access
>    to it does not grant you the rights connected with owning this
>    property: namely copying its contents.
> But the content isn't property!  The _medium_ that the content resides
> on is.

But you have no license to do whatever you want with the content if
you just have a copy that is the property of the company you are
working for.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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