Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This are not good reasons. "Hack resistance, safety critical stuff
> and etc" do not equate with DRM. In fact, DRM harms this features
> since by design someone else controls the key. In the case of
> computers there's a master DRM certificate root. The user is never
> in full control of _his_ computer.
> DRM is theft.

Uh, only when afflicted without your agreement.  Other than that, it
is merely crippling the quality of available choices.

It's not like this is unprecedented: try buying any appliance built to
last 40 years.  The choice is gone.  You'll only get stuff that is
_designed_ to be junk after few years, at the cost of sustainable

DRM is just putting into practice for software what has been the rule
for hardware: built-in self-destruction.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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