David Kastrup wrote:
> Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > David Kastrup wrote:
> > [...]
> >> > That's all bullshit. The FSF simply managed to fool Judge Tinder
> >> > that Wallace lacks standing.  Tinder recorgnized that "Plaintiff’s
> >> > Third Amended Complaint States a Claim Upon Which Relief can be
> >> > Granted" and that "Plaintiff’s Allegations Sufficiently Set Forth 
> >> > a
> >> > Violation of the Rule of Reason", but he was fooled by FSF's "even
> >> > if it were possible for Plaintiff to allege some harm to competition
> >> > in the abstract, Plaintiff has not alleged antitrust injury to
> >> > himself, and thus lacks standing."
> >>
> >> You have an interesting notion of "fooled".
> >
> > -----
> > Accompanying Injury
> [...]
> You are fond of your quotation bubbles, but they don't amount to the

They amount to "substantial arguments" explaining to the appelate court
why the district court erred. 

> results you want.  You don't want to hear it when we explain it to

Try explaining what's wrong with Wallace's argument on injury. Can you?

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