Da'Punk-A wrote:
> Karen Hill wrote:
> > That is how the major news networks and PBS covered Bill Gates'
> > annoucement of his upcoming retirement.
> >
> > Dr. Bill Gates has two honorary PhDs, one from the prestigious
> > Linkoping University of Sweden.
> Yes, two /honorary/ PhDs.  What about real academic qualifications?
> Whoops, he's a college drop-out.  An extremely wealthy college
> drop-out, of course.  And if wealth is how you measure success, then
> you'd call him a successful drop-out.

Honorary PhDs are real degrees.  In fact in academic circles, an
honorary PhD is thought of very highly because to earn one a person has
to accomplish a great deal in life rather than just sit through 7 years
of school like other doctors.

> Is it correct to call him "Doctor" Gates when his PhDs are pretend?

Once again, his PhDs are not pretend.  They are legitimate degrees.
Bill Gates has an Erdos number of 4 thanks to his published
mathematical paper with Christos H. Papadimitriou BTW.

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