Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hey moron, point me a to a German web site of yours with object code
> only GPL distribution of some creative work of yours. You'll get a
> letter from my lawyer regarding your bogus distribution within a
> week or two. I have Vertrags-Rechtsschutz, it won't cost me
> anything.

Vertrags-Rechtsschutz for something which you downloaded by your own
volition without recompensation?  You'll be laughed out of your
insurance's office.

Anyway, pick any GPLed software of your liking with icons which are
not "the preferred form of modification" but rather a final image
format.  Should not be too difficult if they are reduced versions, for

Then try applying your theory.  Good luck

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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