Forgot one thing... 

David Kastrup wrote:
> > It means that "THIS part comes from xxxx and is based on GPL license"
> > (which is a derivative work) as a whole must be licensed under the GPL
> > and only the GPL.
> Yes, and he quite clearly stated that their product as a whole was
> supposed to have a GPLed component, ergo be a combined work derived
> from (among others) the GPLed piece.

Hey retard dak, when are you going to sue Novell?

The Software is a collective work of Novell.  You may make and use
unlimited copies of the Software for Your distribution and use within
Your Organization.  You may make and distribute unlimited copies of
the Software outside Your organization provided that: 1) You receive
no consideration; and, 2) you do not bundle or combine the Software
with another offering (e.g., software, hardware, or service).  The
term "Organization" means a legal entity, excluding subsidiaries and
affiliates with a separate existence for tax purposes or for legal
personality purposes. An example of an Organization in the private
sector would be a corporation, partnership, or trust, excluding any
subsidiaries or affiliates of the organization with a separate tax
identification number or company registration number. In the public
sector, an example of Organization would be a specific government
body or local government authority.

The Software is a modular operating system.  Most of the components
are open source packages, developed independently, and accompanied by
separate license terms.  Your license rights with respect to
individual components accompanied by separate license terms are
defined by those terms; nothing in this Agreement (including, for
example, the "Other License Terms and Restrictions," below) shall
restrict, limit, or otherwise affect any rights or obligations You may
have, or conditions to which You may be subject, under such license

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