On 2006-09-12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Vincent Rivere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Similar question with images. My program displays a PNG image in its about
>> box. It is a very complex image, I made it with Photoshop and a lot of
>> layers. Must I distribute the original PSD image in my source package, or
>> will the PNG image be sufficient ?
> (...)
> A PNG image is modifiable, by the way. It's not a "read-only" format (I
> don't believe there IS a "read-only" image format). A lot of image
> editors can open PNG.

Although a PNG image is editable and an open standard, it's
clear from Vincent's description that he does not consider
the PNG to be the _preferred_ form for modification of
the image. Therefore, he should include the PSD image (maybe
losslessly compressed) in the source package and provide
the PNG with the other binaries.


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