There's one other change that's worth mentioning, I think. That is
section 3. Section 3 is designed to counter-attack against the laws
where the government supports the conspiracies to restrict the public.
This contains one part which is designed to address the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act in the US, and another part which is aimed at
the European Union Copyright Directive. These two laws do effectively
the same thing, but they are written in different ways, and you have to
take them on in different ways. The method that will work for the US
doesn't work for Europe, and likewise isn't an inconvenience there, and
the method that works for the EU Copyright Directive won't work for the
US DMCA. If there's something we can do to extend this to some other
countries, we'll be glad to do it, as long as we can be sure it doesn't
cause trouble. We don't want to cause trouble over there [Richard
points] while we help over here.

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