> My application consists of a collection of scripts (full source
   > distributed) licensed under a license that I'll call A.  I want
   > to distribute with my application, the source version of a script
   > licensed under GPL. This script (source) will be imported and
   > used at runtime by my application.
   > Is this allowed when license A is not compatible with GPL ?

   Yes. Your scripts are not based on or derived from that script, so
   it cannot have an influence on the copyright status of your
   original work.  It's what is called "mere aggregation" in the GPL.

This is completely wrong.  The source code is not merly aggregated, it
is actually imported by the program.  And thus constitutes a deriviate
work.  It is exactly the same situation with linking a binary.

It would be a different situation if it was a program that would
execute the GPL script.

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