"Alfred M. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    >    I use Linux, not GNU, BSD, or other Unix-based operating
>    >    systems, and want to release programs under the GPL.
>    >
>    > Linux is just a kernel, using it without any operating system is
>    > impossible.
>    Nonsense.  Embedded applications work directly on top of a kernel.
> They require a bit more than a kernel to run,

Nonsense.  I've programmed quite a few such applications, complete
standalone industrial systems, including the kernel.

> so no, they don't work directly on top of a kernel.  If you
> implement the operating system directly in the kernel, then the
> kernel and operating are the same.

I guess you don't know what you are talking about.

>    > GNU is one operating system that works with Linux,
>    More nonsense.  Operating systems certainly require a kernel (in
>    fact, the standard Computer Science definition pretty much covers
>    _only_ the kernel unless we are talking Microkernel-based systems).
>    GNU without kernel is not an operating system.
> Sure it is.

Kindergarten argumentation does not make it so.

> The only nonsense is what you have said.
> David, you really ought to go and take a CS class..

I happen to have a degree in engineering, one that included computer
science classes.  But I had programmed complete embedded systems
including kernel, hardware drivers and cross compiler previously, and
had exposure to a number of operating systems and kernels.

How about you read an introductory article about operating systems
instead of blowing smoke?

<URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system> is pretty close to
the established CS definition of "operating system".

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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