Hi all,

It is unfortunately too easy to make the mistake of feeding the robot
troll. :|

As everyone knows, Google has been quite friendly towards Free Software,
but that doesn't mean all it makes is Free Software, which could
certainly be improved in the future (and I hope so).

My phrase below mentions TerraMetrics, but that could perfectly well be

        $owner_name =~ /.*/



On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 01:01:22PM +0200, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 08:17:46PM +0200, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> > > DiBona of Google (Open Source Programs Manager):
> > >
> > > "issue is that Richard wants the imagery that we ourselves do not own"
> > >
> > > http://www.crynwr.com/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3:mss:14528
> > 
> > This makes no sense, DiBona is not being clear enough, opening doors
> > for your venom spit.
> > 
> > In your quote, Ricard is talking about Google Earth as the non-Free
> > Software program. Every non-Free Software program is designed to
> > restrict freedom, it clearly says so in their license.
> > 
> > That's completely beside the point of wanting or not the collection
> > of images. IMNSHO, sattelite photos of *our* planet have no business
> > being owned by TerraMetrics, the owners of Google Maps' imagery.
> <Forward Inline>
> -------
> Subject: Re: SFLC will love the 7th Circuit
> Hi Chris;
> On 10/15/07, Chris DiBona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actually, you're mixing up earth (where the issue is that Richard
> > wants the imagery that we ourselves do not own) and the google search
> > appliance. I invite you to go mess with the mirror on code.google.com,
> Now, when it has become clear that according to GNU Law you have lost
> all your licenses to GPL'd stuff inside search appliance ("permanently
> for every program from every copyright holder, and has to then go and
> beg forgiveness from everyone"), please consider the following opinion
> from renowned GNUtian Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (famous
> Portugal OOXML buster
> http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=2007071812280798):
> "Ricard is talking about Google Earth as the non-Free Software
> program. Every non-Free Software program is designed to restrict
> freedom, it clearly says so in their license.
> That's completely beside the point of wanting or not the collection of
> images. IMNSHO, sattelite photos of *our* planet have no business
> being owned by TerraMetrics, the owners of Google Maps' imagery."
> Checking....
> Indeed.
> http://earth.google.com/intl/en-US/license.html
> Question: are you being disingenuous or what?
> Just curious.
> On Oct 15, 2007 9:47 AM, Philippe Verdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alexander Terekhov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > Open Source Programs Manager, Google Inc.
> > >
> > > http://fsfe.org/en/fellows/ciaran/ciaran_s_free_software_notes/transcript_
> > > richard_stallman_honary_degree_speech_pavia_2007
> > >
> > > "Google designs software specifically to restrict the user. That's the
> > > nature of the Google Earth client: it is made the way it is
> > > specifically to restrict the people who use it. Obviously, it's not
> > > Free Software, because Free Software develops under the democratic
> > > control of its users."
> regards,
> alexander.
> --
> "To show the falsity of 'PJ''s claims, in most cases I need look no further
> than Groklaw itself. 'PJ' wants more journalists to use the site as a
> resource, so I'll do just that. Below are excerpts from my story that 'PJ'
> says are incorrect, followed by 'PJ''s characterization of them, and my
> response -- at times taken directly from Groklaw."
>                                        -- http://tinyurl.com/2mn3jc
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