On Dec 7, 3:43 pm, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 12:21:07PM -0800, mike3 wrote:
> > Hmm, so does this mean that the reason why GNU deserves credit
> > in the _name_ and not somewhere else is because GNU's contribution
> > is so significant -- they pretty much built most of the rest of the
> > system?
> One thing doesn't exclude the other. They have recognition in many
> places, but pretending that GNU doesn't exist by calling the whole for
> the name of a tiny fraction is definitly not fair.
> Anyways, the GNU projects wants recognition as a means to alert people
> for freedom, for their rights, not as a vanity contest.

Wasn't questioning why they wanted recognition, I was just asking
about the _proper place_ for recognition.
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